Mar 20, 2008

The inside phrases of the gates of Chinatown

Most people ignore those inside words of the two main gates of Chinatown. The reason is simple, even they do, they won't understand.

These two phrases or idioms are not used very often. That is why even most chinese won't be able to tell you the real meaning.

I write in Chinese and English. For most of you, the chinese words will not appear. sorry about that.

钟灵毓秀 :zhōng líng yù xiù



This one is on Viger street. If you really want to try, the pronunciation is zhōng líng yù xiù
Meaning: The scenic splendor of this place gathers excellent people.

踵事增华 :zhǒng shì zēng huá

释义 踵:追随,继续。继续前人的事业,并使更加完善美好。

出处 南朝梁·萧统《文选序》:“盖踵其事而增华,变其本而加厉。物既有之,文亦宜然。”

示例 以至头门墙上及各墙壁,另行雕刻花草人物,正是~,穷奢极侈。(清·黄小配《廿载繁华梦》第二十七回)

This one is on René-Lévesque street. If you really want to try, the pronunciation is zhǒng shì zēng huá
Meaning: One after another, we do our best to add magnificence to this place.

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